Friday, September 25, 2015


The topic I will be researching is Natural Resources. This topic interests me because it is a very present topic when discussing todays problems in the world. I also am interested in this topic because it seems like something that we will talk about in class, so it will be good to start researching it now. I will be looking at all different aspects of natural resources including problems, advantages, and the future of natural resources. I'm looking for a book that is informative but interesting as well. My first choice is The Future of Oil by Sanjay Patel. I am interested in this topic because it looks at my topic from the economic prospective which is very intriguing to me. I am also interested in the topic of the future of oil which is the core of this book. My fall back book would be The Oil Kings: How the U.S., Iran, and Saudi Arabia Changed the Balance of Power in the Middle East by Andrew Scott Cooper. This book is similar to The Future of Oil  in the sense that they are both based around oil and the economic aspect of the natural resource debate. These are my top two books because I think that they will have really good information for me to absorb and allow me to create a great presentation at the end of the year.

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